HomeAthlete Intake Form Athlete Intake Form Name* First Last Email AgeGenderMaleFemalePreferred Contact NumberOccupation & Travel ObligationsWhat type of services are you interested in? Triathlon Swimming Cycling Running Video Analysis Run Analysis Anthropometric Information Height & WeightIdeal/Target body weight?Explain your fitness & health goalsCurrent Stress Level 1-1012345678910How well do you recover from training?How well do you sleep?Nutrition Describe your current training & racing nutrition protocol. Include what you consume before, during and after in great detail. Include how many bottles of fluid you drink on the bike and how many times you need to urinate.From a sports nutrition perspective, what has not worked in the past?Do you have any history of eating disorders?Have you ever had cramping problems in the past while racing? If so, please explain.List your food sensitivities, intolerances and/or food allergiesWhat are your nutrition goals?Medical History Past significant injuries or diseases?Do you have access to a swim squad or masters program?YesNoPlease indicate what types of training equipment you have access to: Lap Pool Gym Membership Treadmill GPS Watch Heart Rate Monitor Power Meter Smart Trainer (ex. Computrainer or Wahoo KICKR) Stationary Trainer (ex. Cyclops Fluid) Road Bike Triathlon/TT Mountain Bike Growing up, what sports did you play?Any significant injuries that may inhibit your ability to train?In the last 4 weeks, what is the longest swim, bike or run you've completed?How many hours per week can you dedicate to training? Example, 13-15 hoursDaily Training Preferences. Please list your hours available to train & preferred sport on each day of the week below.If you no preferences, please type "No Preference" above. Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayHave you ever felt over trained? If so, describe the type of training and the volume.As an athlete, what are your strengths and weaknesses?List your best or favorites race results, events, times, place, conditions and so on. Please indicate any PR’s from the past 4 years.List your annual goals along with your tentative race schedule. Please include your A, B, and C-priority races.How did you hear about Team-Enduro?Anything else you'd like to share?Team-Enduro requires a minimum commitment of 16 weeks for all coaching services ** I understand and accept this level of commitment. CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Please Fill Out The Team Enduro Liability Form Below. Download the Team Enduro Liability Form