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Tips for Better Training

Tips for Better Training

Whether you are just beginning an exercise regime or you are already a professional athlete, it is important that you remember basic training concepts and ask for some advice occasionally. Be sure that your training time is spent wisely in order to help improve your...

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Tips For A Successful First Triathlon

Tips For A Successful First Triathlon

If you have finally decided to try out triathlon for the first time this year, you are probably feeling a little nervous about your first race, which is perfectly natural. But while these nerves are reasonable, there are a few things that we wish we had known before...

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How to Balance Life and Triathlon Training

How to Balance Life and Triathlon Training

Most triathletes face the challenge of "not having enough time" to juggle work, family, and triathlon training. So when you are a successful triathlete who can seem to manage training while balancing other obligations, you might be wondering how they do it. In...

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10 Tips To Being A Successful Triathlete

10 Tips To Being A Successful Triathlete

Some triathletes make it look so simple and easy. Often, we think the path to a successful triathlon race is paved exclusively around long training hours. If a professional triathlete trains 30 hours a week, then it must be the path to success! However, while the...

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Tips for A More Efficient Triathlon Training

Tips for A More Efficient Triathlon Training

Triathletes face a never-ending time crunch. Besides juggling three sports, they have to perform at work, make it to their child's soccer game, and stay married. People who do triathlons are often high-achieving individuals, so compromising performance or any one of...

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